داستان آبیدیک

prison services


1 علوم اجتماعی و جامعه شناسی:: خدمات زندان

For example, after Woolf, there was to be no more reading of prisoners' letters (except those in high security prisons); and pilot projects were introduced, whereby prisoners would be allowed to wear their own clothes (Report on the Work of the Prison Service, 1990-1991: 15). Accordingly, while, in England, the Report on the Work of the Prison Department (1977: 1) had referred to 'the continued problems of overcrowding [and] the growing numbers of difficult and subversive prisoners', from the 1990s the reports contained only references to the excellence of the service that was being provided: 'our vision is to provide a service . . . of which the public can be proud and which will be regarded as a standard of excellence around the world' (HM Prison Service Annual Report, 1994-1995: 1).30 What such services might be was then set out in a series of 'Visions', 'Mission Statements' and 'Goals' that reveal the shift that has taken place in the priorities of the Anglophone prison services from the 1990s: from services that had aspirations (however unlikely in reality) of turning their inmates into better people, to services that had to provide more cast-iron guarantees of public protection. The first English Mission Statement had maintained that 'the task of the prison service is to use with maximum efficiency its resources to keep prisoners in custody with such degree of security as appropriate. [And to] provide for prisoners as full a life as possible as is consistent with the facts of custody' (Report on the Work of the Prison Service,

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